Kindness Kit #2: Poverty and Homelessness

  1. Read the following Books with your child(ren) by clicking on the links below.

  2. After reading each story, use the following questions as a jumping off point to begin a family conversation. you may also proceed to our “Talking Tips” page to help you further facilitate your discussion.

Book 1: Those Shoes by Maribeth Boelts, Illustrated by Noah Z. Jones

  1. After the story, ask your child questions such as

    • How is Jeremy feeling?

      1. After reading about the day when Jeremy first wore his Mr. Alfrey shoes: What clues in the illustrations and text help us know how Jeremy is feeling? (e.g., facial expressions, hunched shoulders at the door to the classroom, tight grip on his pencil).

    • What do you think this story is about?

    • When Jeremy’s shoe came apart, why didn’t his Grandma buy him a new pair?

    • What did Grandma mean when she said:  “There’s no room for ‘want’ around here – just  ‘need.’”

      • What is the difference between a want and a need?

    • What is a thrift store?

    • Why didn’t Jeremy want to give the shoes to Antonio?

      • Why do you think he changed his mind?

    • What is an everyday hero? Do you think Jeremy is one? Why?

    • How can we be everyday heroes for people who are less fortunate?

Book 2: You, Me, and Empathy by Jayneen Sanders, Illustrated by Sofia Cordoso

  1. This book has excellent discussion questions on each page of the book!

Continue your discussion using our Talking Tips!

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