Kindness Kit #3: Mindfulness and Mental Health

Below you will find directions to complete a Service Project-from home!

Service Project #1: Create a Grounding Kit


Supplemental Service Project Ideas:

  1. Call or video conference with friends, family, and classmates to check on them. Ask people how they’re doing and mean it! Always be ready to listen and encourage. Ask questions and never judge. We can spread mental health awareness by supporting and listening to others.

  2. Be an UPstander rather than a bystander. People can be bullied online as well as in person and it impacts their mental health significantly. It’s important for us to learn to be good friends and to stand up for those who are getting picked on. A good friend is sometimes all it takes to turn it around. The NED Shows has an excellent video explaining how you become an upstander! After watching the video, print out the badge below (double-sided), color it, and take the pledge to be an upstander.