Kindness Kit #3: Mindfulness and Mental Health
THe following are mindfulness lessons designed to help your child find peace within and work toward creating a more peaceful world.
Hi Kiddos! Here are some super easy things you can do to keep yourself healthy while you are having fun at home.
Part of staying healthy and avoiding getting sick is keeping your immunity strong. We learned about hand washing with Mystery Doug in Kindness Kit #1 which is a great way to keep germs from getting into your body.
Some other great ways you can stay heathy, all while practicing social distance are:
1. Eat a variety of healthy foods.
Include lots of fruits and vegetables, grains and protein. When your body is full of good food the vitamins and minerals from your food give you energy and nurture your brain and your body. Good food keeps your body working how it should and can help build a stronger immune system. *Practice Mindful Eating (see #3 below)!
2. Move your body.
Run, play freeze tag, practice yoga or dance. What are other ways you can move your body?
Do our Young Yogis Lesson! You can take the yoga class by clicking on the video below:
3. Practice mindfulness.
Do you know what mindfulness is? It is noticing what is happening right now. Notice how your body feels, notice what you see, hear, smell and taste. Notice your breath moving in and out of your body. How does your breath make your body move? *Complete our Mindful Eating Activity below (feel free to print the PDF)!