Kindness Kit #6: Caring for the Environment
Please use the following resources as a guide to facilitate meaningful discussions with your families.
How to Talk to Kids About Climate Change and Protecting the Environment
Use child-friendly language to talk about it openly with kids, being mindful that we are trying to educate but not create fear. Here are some sample scripts that NPR gives for how to talk with young children about it:
"Humans are burning lots and lots of fossil fuels for energy, in planes, in cars, to light our houses, and that's putting greenhouse gases into the air. Those gases wrap around the planet like a blanket and make everything hotter.
A hotter planet means bigger storms, it melts ice at the poles so oceans will rise, it makes it harder for animals to find places to live.
And it's a really, really big problem, and there are a lot of smart people working hard on it, and there's also lots that we can do as a family to help." (1)
Spend time outside. The more kids know about the creatures and plants around them and how we are all connected, the more they will be invested in protecting and helping those creatures and plants to survive and thrive. Fall in love with nature with your children.
Talk about the ants, animals, plants, the clouds and the trees.
Go for nature walks and scavenger hunts.
Use your five senses and discuss what you taste, hear, smell, see, and feel as you explore different outdoor places.
Plant your own garden. Teach the kids how to raise plants and vegetables from seeds to harvest.
Do lab/science activities with an environmental focus.
The website Sciencing has a simple experiment you can do to demonstrate how the greenhouse gases we are emitting are causing global warming. Find that experiment here.
NASA’s Climate Kids website has several activities and experiments for kids to try.
Watch movies about climate change and saving the earth.
Common Sense Media has a list of movies (by age) that focus on climate change.
Here is a great video describing climate change in a short and simple format.
Crash Course Kids also has an episode on YouTube explaining climate change.
Watch this video by National Geographic on how to keep plastics out of the ocean.
Watch this video on Kids vs Life that explains some of earth’s problems and how we can make a difference in each of those areas.
Take Action.
This topic can be scary for children. While this doesn’t mean we should downplay the problem, it’s important to empower kids to protect the planet so they know it’s possible for us to make a difference.
Volunteer in community gardens, plant trees, and seek out environmentally focused organizations to see how you can help.
Ask kids for ideas on how they can eliminate and reduce waste.
Set a family challenge to reduce waste of energy, water, and/or plastics for a week or month and document the changes you have made and how you will maintain it.
Task your children with developing a composting plan.
Reuse and/or upcycle plastic and glass into storage containers, birdfeeders, pots for plants, artwork, and more!
Teach your kids how to talk to others about being environmentally conscious in a way that is encouraging but not judgmental.
Kamenetz, Anya. “6 Tips for Talking to Kids About Climate Change.” NPR. NPR, 24 October 2019,
Kamenetz, Anya. “8 Ways To Teach Climate Change In Almost Any Classroom.” NPR. NPR, 25 April 2019,
Musgrave, Ruth A. “Talking to kids about climate change: How to tackle a complicated—and sometimes scary—subject with your children.” National Geographic. National Geographic Partners, LLC, (n.d.),
Shinn, Lora. “Your Guide to Talking With Kids of All Ages About Climate Change.” NRDC. Natural Resources Defense Council, 31 December 2019,